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I'm an art director who likes words

but hates venti caramel cloud macchiatos with a splash of almond milk, steamed extra hot.

In my life and in my work,

I keep it real.


If you saw me on the street, you’d probably think I work in Finance, not Design. That's fine with me. I'm not a pretentious Art Director: I just tell it like it is. My work reflects my approach to life + work. And yeah, I like to do both art + copy.


Also, I don't live in Brooklyn. But if I did, I'd sound like I lived there since before it was trendy to brag about it.


Other facts you probably won't have time to read, but supposedly showcase my personality:

  • Figure skater (for real)

  • Foodie

  • Sitcom-enthusiast

  • Queens native (complete with authentic accent)

  • Sing in the shower

  • Laugh at my own jokes 

  • Definitely not boring (according to 98.75% of my friends)

if you're interested in an art director who keeps it real, contact me

Thanks! Message sent.

 Christina Kofron 2024.
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