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master the craft

.here's the deal
Seedlip is a totally unique product: the first non-alcoholic spirit of its kind.

How do we grow Seedlip in the US market?

the real deal

We discovered a paradox: in today's world where convenience reigns, some people still crave complexity.

These same people also like competition and appreciate exclusivity, especially when they are offered opportunities to be seen as "insiders" or "members" to exclusive clubs, communities or societies.

seal the deal

We created the Seedlip Society, a semi-secret, ultra-exclusive society available by invitation only,

which will help its members master the craft of creating the perfect cocktail.

influencer ads

Style Influencers, such as Brittany Xavier (1.4 million followers, who built a community around her passion for lifestyle and luxury goods),

share envelopes containing invitations to a mysterious society on social media.


instagram ads

Mysterious ads drop on Instagram, generating buzz about a secret society.


out of home

The "S" symbol is painted on walls to continue generating buzz and curiosity about a secret society.

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shelf tags

Shelf tags indicating "Seedlip Society Suggests" will be placed alongside obscure ingredients at Williams Sonoma, our partnered retailer.

Williams Sonoma is the perfect partnered retailer because they offer luxury kitchen and home goods and foods that cannot be found elsewhere,

creating exclusivity within their own brand.

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Since this is a secret society, everyone cannot automatically join the society.

Customers who stand at custom displays for more than 60 seconds to display a vested interest

will receive a coupon in the ultimately secret way: by Airdrop.


starter kits

Starter kits contain a bottle of Seedlip as well as tools such as a jigger and shaker, and a special ingredient, such as a bottle of Verjus.
Most importantly, the kits contain a unique QR code to access the Seedlip Society platform,

that functions as a password to gain access to the app.

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the seedlip society platform

Everyone can download the Seedlip Society platform, but not everyone can become a member.

Only those lucky enough to have a unique access code can actually enter the platform.

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Once the app is downloaded and code is entered, the user is able to create their Seedlip Society profile.

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Seedlip Society is a gamification-based platform that unlocks access to different features while you level up.

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the farmers' market

Only Seedlip Apprentices will be invited through the app to the Seedlip Society Farmers' Market,

which features unique ingredients from around the world. Only those invited are able to enter.
The Farmers' Market would take place in October at exclusive locations including Manhattan, The Hamptons, Portland and Washington, D.C.


The Farmers' Market would be shared organically via social media, along with the Seedlip Society app,
along with potentially receiving earned media placements.


the master's journey

The first ten people to reach the Master level win a trip to Europe, encompassing specific destinations
to learn more about the craft of cocktail making, as well as unique, obscure ingredients.


on-premise hang tags

Hang tags with access codes placed on cocktail glasses on-premise.


the master's chest

A special chest of limited edition tools will be given to bartenders so that they are equipped with specific tools to master the craft.

Master's Chests are displayed by the bartender as a badge of honor on the bar, denoting membership in the Seedlip Society.



Bar posters will highlight the tools and ingredients necessary to master the craft.


instagram ads

Instagram ads with facts you need to know to master the craft.


masters of the craft

youtube series

Youtube series focusing on obscure ingredients, unique tools, and cool techniques to help you become a master of the craft.
Teasers will be used as Youtube pre-roll.


Team: José Fresán, William Howard, Vanessa Caro, Melissa Lee, Cecilie Mengel, Lena Khalifeh, Mohammed Amribet, Michelle Li

 Christina Kofron 2024.
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